Special events

From NGO Handbook
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This presentation by Staci Pierson, Manager of Special Events for the Rainforest Alliance, primarily focuses on the gala held by the Rainforest Alliance every year. This event encompasses a large number of special event components. The Rainforest Alliance is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of tropical forests. It was founded in 1987 to conserve biodiversity by transforming land use practices, businesses practices, and consumer behavior. The first annual gala was held in the spring of 1990, with the goal of raising unrestricted funds, create awareness, further its mission, and attract new members and donors. This first gala was successful event, attracting approximately two hundred guests and raising about $20,000. By 2010, the gala drew about 600 guests and raised more than $1.5 million for the organization, with the costs about $250,000.

This article will address such components of special event fundraising as the overall format, event chairs and benefit committee, auctions, entertainment, venue selection, theme, program, awards, and promotion and printed materials.

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